Why a Funeral

The Benefits




Cell Phones for Soldiers

We are currently participating in the Cell Phones for Soldiers drive. We are an official drop off point for unwanted cell phones. These cell phones will be given to soldiers overseas so they will have the ability to contact their loved ones.







Funerals are a perfectly planned celebration of life, a reflection of the individual—the lives they touched, the way they spent their time, and even the music they loved. The ceremony of the funeral symbolizes the beliefs of a culture, its hopes, its ideals, its spiritual concepts.
Just as there is complexity in life, so are there many dimensions of the modern funeral. It generally involves religious, social, fraternal, civic and military organizations. It is affected by local, state and federal laws and regulations.
But most importantly, the funeral is a vital part of the process by which the bereaved begin to adjust to a way of life that has been abruptly altered.

Why have a funeral

The Funeral

  • Helps confirm the reality and finality of death.

  • Provides a climate for mourning and the expression of grief.

  • Allows the sorrows of one to become the sorrows of many.

  • Is one of the few times love is given and not expected in return.

  • Is a vehicle for the community to pay its respects.

  • Encourages the affirmation of religious faith.

  • Is a celebration of a life that has been lived as well as a sociological statement that a death has occurred.


"A society can always be measured by the manner in which they bury their dead."