Arrangement Guide

Adams Funeral Home




Cell Phones for Soldiers

We are currently participating in the Cell Phones for Soldiers drive. We are an official drop off point for unwanted cell phones. These cell phones will be given to soldiers overseas so they will have the ability to contact their loved ones.









This can be used as a guide to be used in arrangements for funeral services. This information can be printed for your records or given to us for keeping. Give us a call and we will be glad to sit down with you and discuss services in detail.

Personal Information

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Maiden Name:


Phone Number:

email address:

Statistical Information

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Marital Status:

Spouses Name:

Fathers Name:

Mothers Name (include maiden):

Social Security Number:

Work/ Education

Grade completed in school:

High School attended:

College attended:



Military Record

Branch of Service:

Service Number:

Date Enlisted:

Date of Discharge:

Wars served in:

Discharge is located:

Biographical Information

List names and addresses of children (include spouses):

List names of immediate deceased family members:

Clubs or organizations:

Favorite hobby or pass time:

Funeral Services

Place to hold service:

Place for Burial:

Clergy desired:

Special Music to be played:

Pallbearers to serve:

Person to be responsible or arrangements:

Other special requests: